I have not posted here for some time--work and travel get in the way. I am, however, going to pick up the contributions in the coming weeks and months.
First up will be a multi-part post on James Dinkins and the 18th Mississippi (Barksdale's Brigade) in the West Woods. Then a series on the work of Dwight Stinson who worked at the field in the 60s and left an interesting study titled "Operations of Sedgwick's Division" in the field's library / archives.
As we draw in on the 150th, everyone working in the Park is noticing the increase in the number of visitors. We see it in the West Woods. This past Sunday, I had the pleasure of chatting with visitors nearly the entire day. Aside from increased numbers, many visitors have a very good working knowledge about the Maryland Campaign--more so than most of those who have come before them.
What will September bring?